Thursday, June 1, 2023

*If you are in a relationship with someone who is miserable and unhappy, someone who steals your joy on a daily basis, you definitely will benefit from this post.

My need to learn, know, and grow has fostered a love for books that transcends one genre, which is just a fancy way of saying I love to read.  Moreover, since finding myself on a new path, thirsting for answers that I'm still uncovering, my genre of choice has changed from Calgon, Take Me Away! to God, Now What?  Ironically, the first book I read from my God, Now What? genre, (unbeknownst to me at the time), was a gift from God that took almost two years for me to open. This may sound like fairies and unicorns but is in reality a truth.  

A few months before my husband's need-to-be-free revelation, while waiting in Walgreen's for my son's prescription to be filled, my eyes were drawn to a circular book stand (filled with books from top to bottom) in the middle of the waiting area.  I felt a nudge--a strong pull to flip through the pages of one of the many books on display.  Not too long thereafter, a voice from within said, "Buy the book, trust me." Appreciating the title of the book, Living Successfully with Screwed Up People,  I listened and bought it.  I remember feeling excited about reading a book that could teach me how to survive the storms spurned by my husband's frequent mood swings..  It was my last ditch effort to make my marriage work with a man whom I believed fit the book's title.  Yet, as excited as I was about my purchase, and as much as I wanted my happily ever after, I chose to not read it.   I tossed it in the basket of books next to my bed and forgot about it.

Well, a year and a half and a move across the country later, this same basket (filled with the books I still had not read) again found its way next to my bed. I had completely forgotten about the book, especially since it was no longer relevant to my newly separated marital status.  Needless to say, it astonished me when a voice from within whispered, "Find the book in the basket and read it.  You know the one.  It's time."  Interestingly, I did know which one.  I just didn't know why I was expected to read it.  My husband was no longer living in my home, so why did I need to learn to live successfully with him?  True to form, I listened to the voice; (I have learned the hard way that to ignore the voice is tantamount to holding a medal rod in a barren field in the middle of an electrical storm).

After I read the book, I understood why I purchased it and why I needed to wait to read it.  My parents instilled in me that everything happens for a reason, that what some may call chance or coincidence is in actuality a God-wink.  My timing was not random.  It was perfect.  At the time of my purchase, I was not ready to receive the words on the pages.  I needed to let life happen to appreciate the message of the book.  I needed to see the truth of my reality to understand the lessons I needed for growth.

Reading this book has been life affirming and joy inspiring.  Yet, not for reasons one may think.  My relationship with my husband is tolerable (sometimes good), but this has nothing to do with why the book has changed my life. The book helped me see my part in my dysfunctional marriage.  It showed me that I am responsible for my happy, that no one can steal my joy unless I let them.  Moreover, the lessons I've learned I attempt to use daily in all my relationships.  However, I must note the lessons to which I am referring are my lessons relevant to my experiences.  Even though the book is the impetus that led to these lessons, they are not necessarily the lessons the author intended.

*Before one can change the climate of her relationship, she must first know what her heart heart needs to thrive and then set boundaries.
           Ex.  For me to be happy, to be a door for joy to flow through, I need to live in a house of peace where I have the freedom to give and receive love as I live my purpose. I will no longer allow anyone to make me feel small or unworthy, will no longer allow my mind to hold  me captive to another's opinion, especially if the opinion is hurtful and debilitating. I am willing to change, to bend, to do all that is possible to make my happy, but if my spirit is broken, unable to withstand the thrashing storms of the person hurting me, I am willing to say good bye.  I love myself too much to be a wilted rose void of nourishment.

Lesson 1:  Reacting to irrational is silly and counterproductive. 
Just because someone is unhappy and miserable does not meant I have to be a part of it, no matter   how large the bait. Misery loves company, so how I react is crucial to whether I remain a peaceful door for joy to flow through, or an angry storm lashing back with a fury that ignites a storm destroying all in its wake. Because my spirit needs peace to thrive, I choose not to react, to just walk away.
Lesson 2:  Waiting to be validated by a person who is unhappy is a debilitating waste of time. 
People who are unhappy and not capable of living joy are unable to validate.  It makes them feel         weak to empower another.  So, instead of waiting for validation that will not come, I choose to make my happy and live my joy by doing the things that nourish my heart and feed my spirit.
Lesson 3:  Accepting that love comes with conditions is a form of control.
When I allow myself to believe that I have to do this and do that to be on the receiving end of love, I   become a martyr with a woe me attitude, and a victim mentality.  Unhappy people prey on this and   withhold love as a means of control.  However, this can only happen if I allow it.  Because I love  freely, I will not settle for anything but the real thing.  Moreover, I will not allow another's inability to love hinder my ability to love.



Friday, December 20, 2013

Chach's Choice (Rewriting My Life): From Unicorns and Fairies to Truth and Wisdom

Chach's Choice (Rewriting My Life): From Unicorns and Fairies to Truth and Wisdom: I have always been a dreamer, one who easily slips in and out of reality with the ability to create a new one with just a blink of my eyes. ...

Setback Lane Is No Place to Park

As Christmas approaches, truth be told, I have not been jolly, have not been demonstrative of love and peace, have not exhibited any signs of a woman who is grateful for her many blessings. Consequently, it is for these reasons I have have abandoned my blog, have allowed myself to fall victim to old patterns that stifle growth as I run from truth. It amazes me how easily I can allow life's hurts to distract me from what my spirit yearns, a chance--an opportunity to rewrite my life, to create a script that illuminates joy and reads happy.

Making it all the worse are the reasons which drove me to 1 Setback Lane.  Ugh!  It's silly in hindsight to say to myself, "Really, Lauren? Are you so vulnerable that an overdrawn bank account and a teasing text can send you to a land of crazy parked on a curb of Setback Lane? " Yet, as silly as it may be, until I change the patterns occupying my sub-conscious, the answer will continue to be a resounding yes.  Until I see undesired Ms.Victim pushing her way toward my door of joy for an unwelcome visit and stop her dead in her tracks, unearthed hurts will continue to frazzle me as each painful memory plays like a slide show set to repeat.  It is for this reason I choose to document my journey as I rewrite my life's script.  I know in my heart that in writing my truth as it unfolds, silly setbacks will not move me backward.  Instead, a setback will be a temporary human moment documented to remind me that everything is a choice, and that I do not have to choose old patterns that imprison me to a belief that self defeat is the only reality I can achieve.  This is not what I want, nor what my spirit was created to be.  I will keep affirming that I am a door for joy and deserve to live my happy.  I will keep writing these words until all of my mind accepts it as true and lives it with the grace God gave me when I breathed my first breath of life.

So, how did this setback of crazy begin?  It started when I realized I was overdrawn and sent my husband a text asking him to deposit money in our joint account.  When he didn't respond, I texted him again, and again.  Then, allowing my mind to wander to forbidden territory, I found myself reliving past hurts, blaming him for my self imposed misery, which, (of course)--led me to obsessive texts ranting crazy!  It didn't help my weakened mind's state when I woke up to a teasing text from a friend's husband telling me that his friend was asking if the "sexy chic" would be attending the Christmas party my friend invited me to this coming Saturday.  Again, I allowed my mind to charter forbidden territory, blaming my husband for my current identity.  I envisioned myself as a soon to be divorced harlot unworthy of love:  Why else would my friend's husband be texting me about  his very married friend asking about me?  Why else would I be referred to as the "sexy chic?"  I never received texts like this when I was Mrs. Lauren . . . wife of a Pack 12 Football Coach.  It's all my husband's fault!  When he asked me to stop teaching and then left soon after, he took my identity with him. It's all because of him!  I hate him for what he has done to me!!!  Boo Hoo . . . woe me . . . blah, blah, blah.

Ha!  And after that pity party, my husband received more texts that continued to rant crazy. Surprisingly,  God spoke to me through the last person I would ever expect to find comfort, the reason I knew immediately who sent the message.  My father-in-law called to ramble his usual complaints when I unleashed all my hurt on his almost deaf ears.  I didn't care that I was insulting his Golden Boy, that I was airing all my dirty laundry.  I even told him about my crazy ranting texts, that in my desperate need for his son to know my pain, I acted in a manner not becoming of a woman trying to move forward, a woman trying to change.  Usually, when he hears what he doesn't want to hear, he pretends he didn't hear and redirects the conversation back to him.  Yet on this Thursday morning, he offered words of encouragement.  He told me that I had a setback, and in light of all I've been through, it was okay to have a human moment.  However, if I allow a human moment to define me then I will not move forward.  But if I, instead, choose to see it as it was, a human moment, then I can get past it and continue moving forward.  He then repeated to me what I so often tell him, "Lauren, a wise woman once told me that happiness is a choice."  When I hung up the phone, I whispered to my heart, "Thank you, God . . . I heard you!"

My day ended with an inspiring text from my sister-in-law.  She told me that she had read my blog and complimented my writing, my truth.  She then asked me to bring work out clothes to my upcoming visit to the Big Apple (where she and my brother reside), inviting me to attend some classes with her.  Wow, another prayer answered.  I love my sister-in-law.  Her layers run deep, and it has been my heart's desire to learn more of them.  Even though she doesn't see it herself, she is wisdom personified.  My heart whispered to me two years ago, "Through Wendi more truth will be revealed, a truth that will offer peace to both your spirits."

As I close, I give thanks for my new eyes, for the wisdom that has allowed a setback to be a moment of learning, that as much as I desire to be a door for joy and to live my happy, hurts from my past are still hurtful and nothing I can do will change that. However, I must not allow these hurts to interfere with my current reality.  My husband missed my text, and my friend's husband thought he was being complimentary, the truth behind my crazy.  It was my choice to let hurtful memories spawn into a blaming hate fest.  Recognizing this truth, my heart is happy and my spirit at peace.

Matthew 4:16
(Having lived) in darkness I have now seen a great light, 
(no longer) living in the shadow of death, a light has dawned on me.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Acceptance (Change is a Choice Limited to Me)

Naturally curious by nature, I have an unusual need to know everything about whatever sparks my interest at any given time--a trait passed from my mother, the one joy we shared.  I am an information junkie, a reader of all genres.  Even though my passion for learning and knowing dwindled after marriage and having children, more because of redirected priorities than anything else, I still managed to find time to read a good book or Google need-to-know-immediately questions.  However, in February of 2012, my desire to learn and know dissipated like the steam from the frothy cream of a perfect espresso. It seems like forever and a day since that dreadful month and year, a moment in time that my mind refuses to erase, a time that still whispers, "Life as you knew it will be no more."   To make a long story short, my prayer for clarity was answered, and I woke up one morning a single mom of three boys, a reality I was not expecting.  Almost two years later, I am finally ready to say good bye to the past, hello to my present, and welcome to my future.  Admittedly, it has been a long journey to get where I am, and thanks to the support of a perfect God, a loving family, loyal friends, and a few good books--Ha! . . . more like many great books, I am again among the living, my need to learn, know, and now grow is back in full throttle.

As much as I would like to blame my husband for stifling my breath, for suffocating life from my being, for my inability to move forward, for my lack of joy (I could go on for hours), I now realize that my inability to be a door for joy to flow in and out was my doing, my choice.  Even though I forgave my husband for all the hurtful things he has done (while we were together and apart), I have just recently forgiven myself for my part in our dysfunctional relationship.  For years, I waited for him to change--convinced myself that if I could get him to see me and know me, he would like me and see me as fun . . . that if I showed him what unconditional love looked like, he would accept me and all my flaws . . . that if I stayed fit and pretty, he would not want anyone else . . . that if I demonstrated how to have meaningful relationships, he would be a better father, husband, and friend.  Well, none of my "that if's"  manifested into a "he would."  I wasted many years seeking validation that never came only to find myself a single mom with no identity.  

My mind still refuses to forget that awful day in February of 2012, but I now understand why and no longer fight to bury the hurt.  I am stronger, wiser, and more in touch with who I am as a mother and a woman.  I now realize that it was my choice to be stuck in a reality built on lies, my choice to be stagnant in a reality built on truth--that the key to my happy has nothing to do with my husband changing, nothing to do with him waking up with a desire to smell my morning breath.  I have no control over my husband, no power to fix him. However, I do have the power to change my reality, to thrive no matter what the temperature because I have the power to change me, the power to choose who I want to be and how I want to live.  It's life affirming to realize that I can reinvent myself for me with no expectation but the joy of living, that I can exist without the validation I thought I needed to breathe.  My happy stems from my choice to be happy, so as I embark on a new life, and continue to" tweak" the woman I want to be, I smile knowing that I'm happy by choice and living for me.  Created in God's image, I choose to be an expression of good that radiates love as I make my happy with joy.

Psalms 63:5-7 
My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Wisdom's Grace

I won't allow myself to become a victim of pride, a victim of circumstance, undefined--a victim deceived by my husband's lies.  Such a sad revelation when he realized his fate, a love he thought real a mere mistake. He ignored the signs, tried to hide the lie--promising forever in vows not obliged. Today I start over with wisdom, my guide-- ready to soar, ready to fly!

Clarity cleanses and dries sad eyes, tears just a memory in yesterday's why's. Yet, two questions linger in my new found truth: "Why'd you stay so long, and why'd you lie so good?"  Blonde girl's hold was as real as absurd, done lamenting over a choice to be cursed, living and demonstrating Langston's "Dream Deferred" . . .

Yet, amiss it all, the hurt and pain, I didn't lose myself. Ha! I gained! The essence of my spirit still loves, laughs, and lives--not done yet, so much to give.  Living next chapter of my colorful life. I'm manifesting good--streaming light.  Fearless, self-assured, walking straight ahead, I smile realizing Wisdom's my friend.

Proverbs 4:4-5
I will not walk away from Wisdom--she guards my life;
I love her--she keeps her eyes on me,
Above all and before all, I do this:  Get Wisdom!
I write at the top of my list:  Get Understanding!
I throw my arms around her without regret;
I'll never let her go-she makes my life glorious.
She garlands my life with grace,
she festoons my days with beauty

*I am grateful today for this understanding, another prayer answered . . .

Deception's Notice

Why the above title? I have no idea.  Maybe it's born from the idea that as much as I claim I didn't see the lie, didn't know it existed, I--in fact--knew it all the time. It's as if deception taunted truth in front of me but pulled away before I could make a connection, leaving behind a cold mist in my heart, a chill that left my spirit feeling restless & helpless.  I sensed things weren't right, knew my husband's maniacal tantrums hurled at my heart were concerted and scripted to entangle me in his rage so he could have an excuse to leave, to go wherever his restless spirit needed to be free--to feel at ease.  To be truthful, I knew that his actions were born from his own self-hatred, that his hurtful rants had nothing to do with me. Yet, I chose to look the other way, to play the victim as I wept, "Woe me, what choice do I have? I have no tangible evidence that my marriage is a lie, and the more I prod him for answers, the more he'll just lie, twisting my insecurities into believing my lack of self is the true cause of my paranoia, my crazy . . ."  (The kind of crazy that consumes one with digging, stalking, and invading one's privacy with a force that destroys all in its wake).

I don't want to be this gal.  I don't want to be so preoccupied with my husband's comings and goings that I lose sight of what's important, that I lose precious moments of living joy, that I become a scarred woman with no drive or purpose.  This is not who I am, not who I was created to be.

I choose this moment to stop the crazy, to just let go, to exhale all my pain and hurt as I breathe new air, life giving air.  I can do this. I know I can do this.  I have to do this, the alternative too scary.  I choose God.  I choose love.  I choose joy.  I choose to live today as I give thanks for my blessings.

Jeremiah 31:11-13
I will free you from your heart's bully.  Those who love you will climb your mountain shouting with joy, their faces beaming because of God's bounty, all you need is provided, you are prosperous, your heart full.  Your life is now like a well-watered garden, never again to dry up. You will dance and be happy, those that love you will join in.  I'll convert your weeping to laughter, lavish comfort, invading your grief with joy.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Heart's Desire to be Free

Why can’t I get you out of my head,
tortured by my own mind, 
heart longing for relief?
This choice of thinking is not wise,
stop perpetuating lies that confine, bind,
that release and build spiral stairs--
urged from despair, negativity . . .

Positive thoughts I say to myself
Embrace your blessings, 
so much love in your house . . .
A queen in your home
Your seat a thrown
Change the pattern of destructive thoughts,
the darkness cast that mocks your loss.
Choose Love that nurtures wings,
treasure bestowed where life begins
One Life, One Power, the Alpha/Omega,
Paint the colors of your mind--
be creative . . .

In this Love, life's Light blossoms
Here you'll find peace and solace . . .
Fight to untangle the chains and ropes, 
gasp for air, set yourself free,
Breathing untruths, a false reality. . . 

See the chains of your creation,
linked by the breath of  limitation . . .
And the ropes? How could it be?
When? Why? So much wasted time!
Ropes woven, weaved to perfect perfection
from fallen eyelashes 
washed from my tears--braided by my hands--strengthened by my fear . . .
No more I say!
     Today I let my light source shine,
my reflecting gift from a truth Divine,
illuminating a clarity for me to see
      the path of my life, my realized dreams . . .

*Even though I know these feelings are real, an extension of my being, my emotions at their rawest, it is difficult for me to own them, to accept that I am the woman behind all this pain . . .

Psalm 107:14-16
He brought me out of my darkness and cut my chains. I thank Him for His steadfast love, for all that He has done for me! For He has shattered my prison and cut the bars of iron, finally free!


From Unicorns and Fairies to Truth and Wisdom

I have always been a dreamer, one who easily slips in and out of reality with the ability to create a new one with just a blink of my eyes. However, as convenient as this may sound, it poses a problem when the lines of fabrication and truth become blurred, when fairies and unicorns become the norm, while harsh realities of life are swept into a closet, so easily forgotten.

After I married and began having children, I made a conscious choice to be a door for love to flow. I learned long ago that joy nor happiness are the result of what I get from others, that no person is responsible for my joy or happiness, that these are blessings received from loving unconditionally and giving freely with no strings. So even though my husband was not much of a joy maker, I still lived joyously, never blaming him when life became difficult. It was only after he left that I was able to see the truth of my marriage, began to see the patterns that connected the dots of his infidelity. Furthermore, because my love was not balanced with wisdom's truth, my harshest realization was that my marriage of fifteen years was nothing more than a farce, a one sided truth glued with a lie. It's been almost two years since he told me that marriage didn't work for him, but we're still not divorced, and it is this reality that has motivated me to write this blog. Fearful that I will allow myself to stay in this place of nowhere, I choose to be proactive by rewriting my life, creating a script that beams happy.

My friends and family often tell me that I have made it too easy, that my husband has the best of both worlds--the convenience of a family when he wants it and the freedom to live as he pleases. They judge him for leaving his family, for abandoning his sons. Yet, even though I no longer live in my land of Unicorns and Fairies, I still hold fast to many of the ideals that have shaped my life. I believe everyone has a right to live their happy, and if my husband can not live his happy with me, I respect his choice to leave, especially now that I am aware that his love was never present. I deserve more and want more than what he has offered. Yet, truth be told, I have still not let him go, and I know that until I do, I will not move forward, that I will not reach my greatest and highest potential.

The goal of my heart and the desire of my mind is to find the strength to do what needs to be done as expediently as possible. And because divorcing my husband is what needs to be done--(the hardest thing I have ever had to do), I have chosen to document my journey as I learn to let go of a lie and live for truth. I am excited about seeing my happy unfold on the pages of this blog, and even more excited to let my light shine and radiate God's good. Yet before I am truly able to do this, I must first confront my denial by acknowledging the hurt behind the lies, the pain that has made me static, the fear that has kept me from moving forward.
Psalm 143:8
I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you.
Point out the road I must travel; I'm all 
ears, all eyes before you . . .